tomorrow corporation multiplayer

World of Goo e Little Inferno avranno il multiplayer locale su Nintendo Switch

Attraverso il sito ufficiale di Tomorrow Corporation veniamo a conoscenza di un dettaglio molto importante riguardanti due titoli presto in arrivo sul Nintendo eShop di Switch.

A quanto pare, stando alle simpatiche FAQ pubblicate dagli sviluppatori che potete leggere in calce all’articolo, sia Little Inferno che World of Goo sono stati riprogettati per sfruttare al meglio le potenzialità offerte dai Joy-Con: il multiplayer locale collaborativo. Inoltre, gli sviluppatori avevano inizialmente pensato di inserire tale feature anche in Human Resource Machine, feature poi abbandonata perché il gioco rischiava di diventare troppo caotico.

Restiamo in attesa di poter provare questi interessanti porting, in arrivo il prossimo 23 marzo su Nintendo Switch.

Q: I do not have any friends?

A: We’ve all been there. In the meantime, you can always play single player, or with two hands.

Q: Multiplayer Little Inferno, a Switch exclusive?!

A: Yes! The brand new Switch Edition is the first and only version of Little Inferno to feature multiplayer. Now you can drag a friend through your personal existential crisis! It’s incredibly satisfying to rip things apart and burn it all down with a friend. Also perfect for couples.

Q: But I want to play by myself!

A: You’re in luck! We got single player Little Inferno approved first, and multiplayer approved a little bit later. So the single player version will launch first, and then the multiplayer update will roll out automatically about a week later. It should all happen magically and you won’t have to do anything special, except sit back and enjoy that brief moment of alone time while you’ve got it.

Q: A free update?! Will there be pink logs?

A: Due to inexplicable, overwhelming, demand for pink logs, Tomorrow Corporation is considering branching out into the pink log manufacturing business. Management does not know why pink logs are so popular, but is happy to accommodate.

Q: I thought I remember playing World of Goo with a friend … a long time ago?

A: Many years and several generations ago, the original Wii version supported playing with more than one Wii controller. We think this is the first version since then to feature multiplayer.

Q: Is Human Resource Machine multiplayer?

A: We thought about it, and debated it, and decided it would be too chaotic for a game that needs such concentration. But if players want it and can make a thoughtful case for it, we’ll consider adding it!

Q: I am not a cooperative person and do not want to cooperate with others.

A: You can always play single player! Good luck out there, and see you … Tomorrow!